
Purim Edition

Pesach/Chag HaMatzot Edition

Shavuot Edition

Yom Teruah Edition

Yom Kippur Edition

Sukkot Edition

Chanukah Edition

1.1 Bereishit - Yahweh Master Builder

1.2 Bereishit - Where Are You?

1.3 Bereishit - You Shall NOT Murder

2.1 Noach - It's Raining, It's Pouring

2.2 Noach - The Tower That Toppled

3.1 Lech-Lecha - Rescue Mission

3.2 Lech-Lecha - Continual Covenants

4.1 Vayeira - Great Balls of Fire

4.2 Vayeira - And It's No Sacrifice

5.1 Chayei Sarah - Here Comes the Bride!

6.1 Toldot - Like Father, Like Son

6.2 Toldot - A Tale of Two Brothers

7.1 Vayeitzei - Am I Dreaming?

7.2 Vayeitzei - Baby Wars

7.3 Vayeitzei - Outsmart, Outwit, Outplay

8.1 Vayishlach - Wrestling Match

8.2 Vayishlach - So, We Meet Again!

9.1 Vayeishev - Yoseph, Master of Dreams

9.2 Vayeishev - Yoseph the Jailbird

10.1 Mikeitz - Dreams Do Come True

10.2 Mikeitz - I Spy

11.1 Vayigash - Brotherly Love

11.2 Vayigash - Family Reunion

12.1 Vayechi - Ya'aqob Blesses His Boys

12.2 Vayechi - Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

13.1 Shemot - For It's Work, Work, Work, Every Day and Every Night

13.2 Shemot - This Bush Is On Fire

13.3 Shemot - Seeing Is Believing

14.1 Va'eira - Frogs, Gnats and Flies, Oh My!

15.1 Bo - How Do You Like Them Plagues?

16.1 Beshalach - Bye, Bye Mitsray-im

16.2 Beshalach - Grumble, Gripe, Complain

17.1 Yitro - Can I Get Some Help Here?

17.2 Yitro - And These Are Your Top 10

18.2 Mishpatim - 40 Days And 40 Nights

19.1 Terumah - Blueprints for the Mishkan Furnishings

19.2 Terumah - Blueprints for the Mishkan Coverings and Structure

20.1 Tetzaveh - Blueprints for the Set-apart Garments

20.2 Tetzaveh - Blueprints for Appointing the Priesthood

21.1 Ki Tisa - Broken Tablets, Broken Covenant

21.2 Ki Tisa - Blueprints for the Courtyard

22.1 Vayak'hel - Wise Hearted Worker Bees

23.1 Pekudei - Raising Up the Dwelling Place

24.1 Vayikra - 3 Voluntary Offerings - Instructions to the OFFEROR

25.1 Tzav - 3 Voluntary Offerings - Instructions to the PRIESTS

26.1 Shemini - Tahor and Tamei

27.1-28.1 Tazria/Metzora - Unclean, Unclean!

29.1-30.1 Acharei Mot/Kedoshim - Do NOT do as They do

31.1 Emor - And These Are Your Appointed Times

32.1-33.1 Behar/Bechukotai - Blessings and Curses

34.1 Bemidbar - Census in the Wilderness

35.1 Nasso - Lewite's Duties

35.2 Nasso - Offerings of the 12 Leaders

36.1 Beha'alotcha - Marching Orders

36.2 Beha'alotcha - Yahweh's Gift to the Priesthood

37.1 Shelach – Evil Report

37.2 Shelach – Offerings in the Land

38.1 Korach - Enough of You!

39.1 Chukat - Waters of Strife

40.1 Balak - A Loyal Donkey

41.1 Pinchas - Land Inheritance

41.2 Pinchas - Appointed Times Offerings

42.1-43.1 Matot/Massei - Be Fair and Be Square

44.1 Devarim - Recounting Events - Part 1

45.1 Va'etchanan - The Past, Present and Future

46.1 Eikev - 7 Species

47.1 Re'eh - In the Place Which He Chooses

48.1 Shoftim - Leadership

49.1 Ki Teitzei - Be Fair and Show You Care

50.1 Ki Tavo - Becoming a Set-apart People

51.1 Nitzavim - Choose Life

53.1 Ha'azinu - Mosheh's Song

54.1 V'zot HaBracha - Recounting Events - Part 2