1.1 Bereishit – Yahweh Master Builder
In this week’s Parsha Pearls lesson, we will take a look at the story of Creation.1.1 Bereishit - Yahweh Master Builder - KA
KA Lesson
Gem Seeking (the main lesson)
The main points of the Torah portion are told in an engaging and interactive story form.Little Gems (story for younger children)
Little Gems Story Characters (color)
Little Gems Story Characters (BW)
Introduction & Overview of Bereishit
Days of Creation Flashcards
Counting What You Gained (worksheets)
Puzzles, mazes and other fun worksheets are provided to further reinforce the Torah portion.Storing Up Treasure in My Heart (memory verse)
Seeking Treasure
Word Search
Days of Creation Match
Precious Possessions (arts and crafts)
Allow for artistic expression of the Torah portion through crafts and coloring pages.Craft Instructions
Craft Templates A & B (BW)
Craft Templates C & D (color)
Coloring Page
Sweetness of Torah
Engage all your senses by singing a song or making a snack that corresponds to the parsha.Sweet Sounds of Torah (song corresponding to the parsha)
Yom Rishon
Six Days of Creation
Sweet Taste of Torah (snack corresponding to the parsha)
Katan A Gallery
1.1 Bereishit - Yahweh Master Builder - KB/G
KB/G Lesson
Pearl Seeking (the main lesson)
Study and learn this week's parsha through Treasuring His Word (overview of the parsha), Parsha Points (main lesson content), and Digging Deeper (thought provoking questions).Parsha Points (main lesson content)
Introduction & Overview of Bereishit
Days of Creation Flashcards
Searching Out Hebrew (reading and writing)
Learn Hebrew words and numbers from this week's Torah portion. There is a word match to help reinforce learning. Use the flashcards to test your memory. Finally, learn to write Hebrew.Words and Numbers
Word Match
Writing Hebrew
Counting What You Gained (worksheets)
Use these worksheets as reinforcement of the lesson. You will also have memory verses so that Scripture can be written on our hearts. There are questions to ensure they are learning the important points.Storing Up Treasure in My Heart (memory verse)
Seeking Treasure (questions from the parsha)
Word Search
Crossword Puzzle
Precious Possessions (arts and crafts)
Allow for artistic expression of the Torah portion through notebook and coloring pages.Notebook Page Instructions
Main Page & Notebook Template A (BW)
Main Page & Notebook Template B (color)
Coloring Page
Sweetness of Torah
Engage all your senses by singing a song or making a snack that corresponds to the parsha.Sweet Sounds of Torah (song corresponding to the parsha)
Yom Rishon
Six Days of Creation
Sweet Taste of Torah (snack corresponding to the parsha)